Frequently Asked Questions


Do I have to schedule a bridal trial ?

We definitely recommend scheduling a hair/makeup trial. This ensures your wedding day running smooth and stress free. At the trial, the bridal artist will go over different styles and make sure everything is perfect for your day 

When should I schedule my hair and/or makeup trial ? 

Typically a bridal trial is scheduled within 1-4 months out from the wedding but it’s totally up to you and your availability. 

I’m from out of town and can only do my trial on certain weekends, what if my bridal artist isn’t available?

We will do everything we can to work with your schedule, including coming in on our day off, if available. There’s been some times where we’ve done the trial a day to a few days before the wedding. This is to ensure proper timing and to make sure everything will run smooth on your special day. If your trial is scheduled right before the wedding that’s perfectly okay! 

Wedding phototo of bridal party

How long does a hair and makeup service take ?

A hair service takes anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour depending on hair length, texture, and what style you’re going for. A makeup service takes anywhere from 30-60 mins depending on what look you’re going for. 

What if I want to add people to my contract after I already signed and put down my deposit ? 

You can add or subtract services at anytime as long as it’s 60 days before the wedding date. Anything changed after the 60 days, you will not be refunded for that portion of the deposit. 

I’m unsure about what hair style I want for my wedding, can I try multiple styles at my trial ?

We offer two types of hair trials, our first option is $145 to try 3 different styles with minimal changes. If you’re simple and are looking for a certain style we offer an $100 hair trial that includes 1 style with minimal changes.